Swords and Prayers


In the hands of the knights
Swords are worthwhile
Slicing the skin and
the tips of fears
Stabbing right in
the hearts of the enemies
Calling out deaths
with beautiful themes

Took long and hard trainings
So many wounds and injuries
Squirming down times
Falling into pieces
Only to rise again
Stronger than before

In the hearts of the warriors
Prayers are invincible
Slicing the icy stone
of pride, of hate, of prejudice
Crushing wantness
and greed to ashes
Giving up everything
Blessed in exchange

Took long and hard trainings
So many wounds and injuries
Squirming down times
Falling into pieces
Only to rise again
Stronger than ever

Rise O Knights!
Fight, Warriors!
The journey has started
Only death will end it
May you bleed in happiness
of the joy in your greatest wars
Isy kariman
Au mut syahidan

Malang, January 18, 2020
